Friday, November 5, 2010

7 Tips On Back Pain Prevention

A slipped or ruptured disc causes rather severe back pain, often with radiation down the thigh and leg, sometimes with "hot spots" somewhere along the course of the pain. Diseased discs come on over a period of years, caused by excessive strain on the joints of the back, such as by poor posture, occupational stresses or competitive sports. It is rarely a sudden event in a person having no previous symptoms.
Maintaining one position for a long period of time, such as in typing or bending over at work may cause chronic back strain. Learn to sit and bend without strain.

This six-week series of easy exercises is a progressive program designed to eliminate or reduce back pain and prevent future problems. Learn the two causes of most back pain, six tests to find your real problem areas, seven tips on pain prevention, and ways to reduce stress and tension. Based on the work of Dr. Hans Kraus and the YMCA's exercise program, "The Y's Way to a Healthy Back". Includes illustrated back exercise booklet.
Price: $39.95
Click here to buy from Amazon

Weakness of muscles from lack of exercise is another important cause of backache. Vigorous outdoor exercise that brings into use all the powers and movements of the back can gradually correct certain chronic backaches. Be certain to start an exercise slowly, as exercise of weak muscles can cause a flare-up of pain.
Spondylolisthesis is a slipping forward of one vertebra over its neighbor with erosion of a part of one vertebra. Sitting on the floor with the legs straight out in front can cause this type of backache. Low-seated bucket seats give a similar position.
A transitional vertebra is a birth defect in which one vertebrae in the low back does double duty, both as a part of the spine above, and as a part of the pelvis below. The resulting overwork leads to pain. Back-strengthening exercises can help this type of pain.
Psychological factors are, in some people, a very potent cause of backache. Take away the unhappiness or prescribe long walks in nature to neutralize tension or mental anguish and the backache is sure to disappear.
Constitutional factors cause backache, such as constipation, hypoglycemia, pregnancy, menstruation, and pelvic tumors in both men and women.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Back Pain Yoga For Pain Relief

Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back,Sacrum and Hips with Gary Kraftsow

"Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back,Sacrum and Hips" features short,simple therapeutic yoga practices carefully designed to alleviate pain and promote health in the low back,sacrum and hips. For the first time ever on DVD,benefit from the expert guidance of Gary Kraftsow,one of the world's leading yoga therapists. Founder of the American Viniyoga Institute,Gary is the designer of the only yoga practices demonstrated to be effective for back pain in a National Institutes of Health&ndsh;sponsored clinical study. If you are one of the 8 out of 10 Americans who have or will experience back pain,make the powerful therapeutic practices on this DVD a part of your everyday regimen for health and wellbeing!
Price: $24.99
Click here to buy from Amazon

Poor Posture
Lack of exercise
Standing or bending down for long periods
Sitting in a chair that does not provide enough back support
Sleeping on a mattress that does not provide enough back support
Lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling heavy loads, or going about these.
A fall.
The most important cause of backache is obesity. Carrying excess weight puts a strain on the back, on both the bones and the soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, and joint tissues). The excess weight in front of the spine, on the abdomen and chest, leads to pulling the body forward, causing the back muscles to be under a strain to hold the body erect. A weakening of these structures by fat that grows into the tiny spaces around blood vessels and along the borders between muscles and around joints causes these soft tissues to be less able to protect themselves from minor injury.
Overeating is another major cause of backache. In a thin person, even eating a large meal too can result in overbalancing the body in the forward position from the extra weight of the food and digestive juices. The reflexive effort to hold the shoulders and ribs off the overloaded intestinal tract adds to the strain on the back.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Exercise Calcium And Osteoporosis

According to the U.S. News & World Report Health Center, “Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. Literally meaning ‘porous bone,’ it results in an increased loss of bone mass and strength.” Osteoporosis debilitates millions of people every year, but there is good news – prevention is possible!
The skeletal structure of the body provides support for our muscles and protection for our vital organs; our bones are also a storehouse of calcium and other minerals. More than 99 percent of the body’s calcium is stored in our bones and teeth, the other 1 percent travels throughout our body in our blood. Calcium is vital for heart and muscle function.
Our skeletons are made up of a smooth, tough outer layer of dense bone, a spongier mid section and a soft core of marrow where new cells are made to rebuild our bones. Our bones are constantly changing because our bodies depend on a steady supply of calcium to function properly. When we don’t get enough calcium from our regular diet our bodies break down and rebuild bone to meet our needs. This is called “bone remodeling.”
There is no cure for osteoporosis, so disease prevention is vital to maintaining bone density. There are three key areas to consider when it comes to preventing osteoporosis: diet, lifestyle choices and medications.
Now you can shed the pounds and have a blast while you're doing it! It's easy with the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set. Loaded with red-hot dance steps, pulsating Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow routines, this invigorating dance-fitness "party" will have you moving', groovin' and shakin' the weight off to the sexy, exotic rhythms of salsa, cumbia, samba, meringue and more! Work your body from head to toe with four DVDs and six exhilarating workouts that teach you all the basics and hit your favorite targets, like your core, thighs and abs. You also get maraca-like Toning Sticks to add some muscle to your body sculpting routines. Now's the time! Get ready to "Join the Party" and see a whole new side of yourself!
Price: $69.95
Click here to buy from Amazon

Many things can influence bone remodeling, like injury, illness, medications, exercise, diet, hormonal changes, smoking, heavy drinking and of course the normal aging process. When the body requires more calcium than we are able to consume, or if we aren’t able to store the calcium we consume adequately it is leached from the spongy mid layer of our bones. They gradually lose their density making them weak and porous, and more prone to fractures. This is osteoporosis.
Most of our bone mass is established before the age of 30, and after about age 35, as a part of the normal aging process, our bodies begin to breakdown our bone faster than we are able to rebuild it. The natural decline in hormonal production is another contributing factor. When women reach menopause and their ovaries stop producing estrogen and bone loss accelerates. In men a reduction in the hormone testosterone also encourages bone loss.
There is no cure for osteoporosis, so disease prevention is vital to maintaining bone density. There are three key areas to consider when it comes to preventing osteoporosis: diet, lifestyle choices and medications.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Gentle Exercises Keeps Osteoporosis At Bay

To maintain strong healthy bones a diet sufficient in calcium and vitamin D are important from preadolescence and throughout adulthood. Calcium needs become greater in older adults whose bodies can no longer rebuild bone mass. Recent studies suggest that bone fractures can be reduced by 30-50% in individuals with low dietary calcium simply with the addition of a calcium and vitamin D supplement.
A few easy lifestyle changes can also influence our risk of getting osteoporosis. Smoking, low body weight and a lack of exercise are all contributing factors to raising our susceptibility to the disease. Weight-bearing exercises like walking, stair climbing, dancing and weight training help to increase bone density, keep muscles flexible and ensure better physical balance in people of all ages. Exercise also helps to regulate body weight to a healthy level. There is a direct link between tobacco use and lower bone density so smoking cessation is also recommended.

Seniors Elderly Pilates Sitting Chair Exercises DVD: This Easy Sitting Exercise DVD is good for Seniors, Elderly, Physical Therapy, After Surgery and Rehabilitation with Slow Paced Pilates & Stretching exercises that are a Great Therapy for Improving Strength, Flexibility, Mobility and Balance Exercises. This Seniors Seated Pilates Exercise DVD has Upper Body strengthening exercises for the Shoulders, Arms, Upper Back, Neck, Chest, Abdominal, the Lower Back, Hips, Thighs, & Legs exercises. This Simple and Safe Sitting Pilates Exercises DVD is a Non Impact, Non Aerobic with a Effective Fitness and exercise Routine specifically for Seniors, Elderly & Rehab. This Easy Sitting exercise DVD is also Good for Summer & Winter indoor exercises. In just a few weeks you will gain Strength, Flexibility, Joint Mobility and Added Balance with this Easy Sitting Exercise Fitness DVD. Advantages of exercising with this Seniors Elderly Sitting Pilates Exercise DVD
You will Increase your level of muscular strength
Increase your stamina and ability to stand and walk longer.
Increase or maintain your bone mineral density to prevent Osteoporosis.
Increase muscular endurance.
Help you maintain your resting metabolic rate to prevent weight gain. (BR)Provide protection against injury.
Maintain or improve joint integrity.
Help you to maintain an independent lifestyle.
Improve your balance and coordination.
Price: $14.99
Click here to buy from Amazon

The use of medications can and does play an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis. Calcium and vitamin D supplements as mentioned previously are often paired with bisphosphonates like Alendronate and Risedronate, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like Raloxifene, and hormonal replacements like Estrogen and Testosterone. All medications have some side effects and these are best discussed with your doctor.
Though there is no known cure for osteoporosis there is hope and help in preventing this common and often debilitating disease of the elderly. By starting now and working to prevent bone density loss you’ll have a stronger, healthier future.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Green Super Food For Health

There is one supplement that has high concentrated source of chlorophyll. This supplement also contains Vitamins A, C, E, K and B including B12 and B17 (these two are particularly significant because it’s been suggested that it’s not easy to get vitamin B12 on a vegetarian diet. B17 is significant because of the latest research that suggests possible benefits it provides on specific types of cancers). It also contains every single known mineral, in organic form. That’s every single known mineral needed by the body. Some of these are extremely hard to get. It also has every known trace mineral. A true phenomenon. It considered a wonder food. It is tasteless in a glass of fruit juice. It’s much better than its name suggests. This is Wheatgrass. Don’t be mistaken, this is far different from wheat – the most important point is that Wheatgrass does not contain gluten.
Sunfood Sun Is Shining Green Superfood Supplement offers an abundance of healing nutrients. Made from wild crafted, sustainably grown and certified organic ingredients, Sun Is Shining has been formulated to build strong bones, resilient muscles and a responsive immune system. Containing over 40 probiotic species, Sun Is Shining is 100% raw, promotes a strong alkalizing effect within the body and offers a superior source of sun-infused superfoods.
Price: $59.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Have you ever seen or come across the latest craze for Omega 3 Fats? They are also known as Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. If you haven’t seen it yet, you will very soon. Many scientists are linking them with everything your body needs, everything from weight loss to skin shine. One challenge is that the body can’t store Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 is made from a substance called ALA (alpha-lipoic acid). ALA can be stored by the body. Linseed is packed full of ALA, or basically the building blocks of essential good fats. These fats are good fats, as opposed to the excess weight which comes from bad fats. Scientists are now finding that good fats will push out bad fats from the body. Linseed is not green; however it’s very powerful, so we’ve included it here.
Remember you get most of your nutrients from fruits and vegetables.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Holistic Yoga Health Matcha Green Tea Powder

A delicious blend of all natural Matcha green tea powder, melon concentrate and Xylitol (You can't believe it's not sugar). Great for Frappes, Lattes and Smoothies. Xylitol is a natural low-glycemic sweetener, manufactured from birch trees, corn, or other natural xylan-rich sources. It is metabolized independently of insulin and is safe for diabetes or anyone seeking a healthier life-style. Xylitol is not only a safe, natural sweetener without the bad side-effects of sugar and artificial substitutes, it's also good for your teeth, stabilizes insulin and hormone levels, and promotes good health. Our sugar free Frappe mix is blended with pure pharmaceutical grade Xylitol. Pure Xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar. On food labels, xylitol is classified broadly as a carbohydrate and more narrowly as a polyol. Because xylitol is only slowly absorbed and partially utilized, a reduced calorie claim is allowed: 2.4 calories per gram or 40% less than other carbohydrates. Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in many fruits and vegetables. Dental and medical professionals use xylitol worldwide since it's been clinically proven to fight cavities and reduce plaque. Xylitol tastes like sugar with 1/3 fewer calories. It is recommended for people with diabetes and hypoglycemia because it has a low glycemic index of 7. Xylitol also inhibits the metabolic process of cavity causing bacteria. Whether you're looking for a low calorie sweetener¸ an alternative to sugar for those with diabetes or hypoglycemia¸ or better dental health¸ Xylitol is a great tasting solution.
Price: $39.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
In today’s polluted society is very taxing on the body. While the body benefits exceptionally from fruit and vegetables, to cope with all the chemicals around us the body needs specific supplements.
Most supplements turn into very expensive urine. This is a very important point. Carbon dioxide, exhaust fumes, putrid invisible gases and boron (a chemical that leaks into buildings from bricks) poison our bodies on a daily basis. We need extra support to counter this.
Want to know how to counteract all the wastes the body has to take in? Chlorophyll is the substance that causes the green coloration in plants and vegetables. It is similar to hemoglobin in the blood except for one molecule. Green vegetables, especially leafy greens, shoot the highest energetic nutrients into the body.
There is one supplement that has high concentrated source of chlorophyll. This supplement also contains Vitamins A, C, E, K and B including B12 and B17 (these two are particularly significant because it’s been suggested that it’s not easy to get vitamin B12 on a vegetarian diet. B17 is significant because of the latest research that suggests possible benefits it provides on specific types of cancers). It also contains every single known mineral, in organic form. That’s every single known mineral needed by the body. Some of these are extremely hard to get. It also has every known trace mineral. A true phenomenon. It considered a wonder food. It is tasteless in a glass of fruit juice. It’s much better than its name suggests. This is Wheatgrass. Don’t be mistaken, this is far different from wheat – the most important point is that Wheatgrass does not contain gluten.
Sunfood Sun Is Shining Green Superfood Supplement offers an abundance of healing nutrients. Made from wild crafted, sustainably grown and certified organic ingredients, Sun Is Shining has been formulated to build strong bones, resilient muscles and a responsive immune system. Containing over 40 probiotic species, Sun Is Shining is 100% raw, promotes a strong alkalizing effect within the body and offers a superior source of sun-infused superfoods.
Price: $59.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Have you ever seen or come across the latest craze for Omega 3 Fats? They are also known as Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. If you haven’t seen it yet, you will very soon. Many scientists are linking them with everything your body needs, everything from weight loss to skin shine. One challenge is that the body can’t store Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 is made from a substance called ALA (alpha-lipoic acid). ALA can be stored by the body. Linseed is packed full of ALA, or basically the building blocks of essential good fats. These fats are good fats, as opposed to the excess weight which comes from bad fats. Scientists are now finding that good fats will push out bad fats from the body. Linseed is not green; however it’s very powerful, so we’ve included it here.
Remember you get most of your nutrients from fruits and vegetables.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Green Smoothies Holistic Yoga Health

By now you probably think you've heard all of the health reasons there are for eating your vegetables. But recently, researchers from Harvard University have announced that lutein -- a potent antioxidant found in such dark green, leafy vegetables as spinach and kale -- may protect the skin from sun damage.

Over 180 Smoothies Recipes. Green Smoothies, Diet Smoothies, Fruit Smoothies, Breakfast Smoothies, Cocktail Smoothies And More. Perfect For Health Buffs, Weight Watchers And Parents Who Would Like Kids To Eat Healthy. Check It Out Today!
Check it out!

"Lutein has been widely recognized for its eye health benefits for several years. But, our data is the first of its kind to suggest that lutein may have the potential to act as a preventative agent against UVB-induced skin cancer," said Salvador Gonzalez, M.D., Ph.D., leader of the Harvard research team. "In addition, these data suggest that lutein protects the skin against damage caused by exposure to UVB light, further validating our position that lutein is a critical component to overall skin health."

Valya s DVD The 7 Best Greens Smoothies from Raw Family brings Valya herself into your living room to show you how to prepare 7 of our all-time favorite green smoothies. In addition to demonstrating how easy it is to blend up exotic concoctions, Valya shares many timesaving tips and answers the most frequently asked questions about making delicious green smoothies. This DVD is a must see for anyone interested in becoming a green smoothie pro!
Price: $14.95
Click here to buy from Amazon

Lutein (LOO-teen) is a yellow pigment (the yellow is covered up by chlorophyll in green leaves) found predominantly in vegetables. It is also present in the eyes and skin of the human body. In women, lutein is found in the breasts and cervix. As an antioxidant, lutein protects the eyes from the damaging effects of aging. Lutein also acts as a light filter, protecting against the sun's harmful rays.
UVA and UVB rays are two types of harmful rays found in sunlight. UVA rays contribute to wrinkling the skin, as well as to the development of skin cancer. UVB rays are the ones that are the primary cause of sunburn and skin cancer.
Good sunscreens block both UVA and UVB rays and are critical to skin health. But, you can do even more to protect your skin and eyes when you're outside.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Green Leafy Vegetables For Health

The Green Book of Health...start using natural healing today. Covering over 60 ailments and bring healing through the use of Acupressure Acupuncture Reflexology Iridology Home Remedies Homeopathic Medicine Aromatherapy Essential Oils Magnet/Crystal
Check it out!

Safety tips to keep top of mind:
Wear UV-blocking sunglasses. Over time, exposure to ultraviolet light can cause cataracts and increase your risk of macular degeneration, a disease that causes irreversible blindness.
If you're a parent, protect your children's skin. Research indicates that one or more severe, blistering sunburns in childhood or adolescence can double the risk of skin cancer later in life.
Check the expiration date on your sunscreen. Sunscreen without an expiration date has a shelf life of no more than three years.
Blended with Pure Matcha Green Tea Powder & Cane Sugar Sealed in USDA Foil Pouch for Freshness - Good for One Year Just like Starbucks - Save Money at our Bargain Price! One Pound Makes 48 Frappuccinos = About $.50 per Frappe' INSTRUCTIONS Mix One Tbls. of Matcha Frappe' Mix with 4 ozs. of Warm Milk (NOT BOILED) Blend 14 ozs. of ice to mixture in Blender Optional - Add your favorite syrup for additional flavoring or ice cream to make a delicious float. Taste Yunmmy - like green tea ice cream Can be used to make lattes & smoothies too.
Price: $24.95
Click here to buy from Amazon

Eat a healthy diet comprised of green leafy vegetables. Consumption of 6 milligrams of lutein per day (approximately one-third cup of cooked spinach) has been linked to a reduced risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Vitamins and dietary supplements formulated with purified lutein provide another option for adding this nutrient to a daily diet.
It's important to note that when lutein is consumed in foods or vitamins, it deposits in various tissues in the body -- the eyes, the skin, fat tissue and so on. Therefore, it may also be beneficial to apply lutein directly to the surface of your skin. Several skin care products containing lutein are now available and can be purchased online at or at salons that carry California Tan Heliotherapy sun care products.
For more information about how lutein can help promote healthy eyes and skin, talk to your doctor and visit the Lutein Information Bureau at

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wonderful Honey Rose Petal Foot Bath

I imagine you can tell me at length about how tired your feet and legs get after your busy day. When’s the last time you got to treat yourself to a day at the spa? Even if you had the time, it’s not often you can afford the cost of a simple, relaxing, foot soak.

Sounds nice doesn't it? A relaxing foot soak at a spa... ! Times are tough for most of us these days, so it's really good to save money when we can.  Anyway I've put together this simple recipe so you can have that soothing soak with ingredients you probably already have at home.

Step 1. Create this wonderful foaming honey foot bath at home.
Here’s what you will need:

1 tablespoon Honey

1 tablespoon Liquid Soap

1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

2 tablespoons Sweet Almond Oil

4 heaped tablespoons of baking soda

1/2 - 1 cup of Epsom salts

Rose petals (optional)

Few drops of your favourite essential oil

You may not have almond oil, but you can find it easily enough in a chemist, health food store or supermarket just grab a bottle next time you are out buying groceries.

Mix all these ingredients together in a nice bowl and you are ready for your foot bath.
Note: If you want to make a large quantity so you can have it on hand for your next "Foot Spa" Treatment use these quantities instead.

½ cup Honey

½ cup Liquid Soap (I used dish soap)

1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract

1 cup Sweet Almond Oil

Essential oil (Jasmine, Bergomot, etc,.)

Save this in a nice bottle for next time.

When you are ready for a foot soak

Add baking soda and epsom salts then.

Rose petals are always best fresh as well.

Step 2. Find yourself a foot bath

You may even have one, they are very popular these days, (everyone has tired aching feet, especially if your job requires you to walk or stand all day). You can get a fancy, space-age, foot bath for about $80 which does all sorts of things like vibrate and shake, make bubbles, heat and massage.They also come with foot scrubbing attachments, extra brushes and foot massaging aids. If you have one of those, you are set. If not you probably have a small basin you can use instead.

Step 3. Fill up your foot bath

Fill your foot spa or other, with lovely warm water and add 3 tablespoons of your prepared "Foot Soak" potion to it, stirring gently. If you have rose petals, add those now.

Please be really careful with the water temperature. Do this by double checking the temperature of the water with your hands. If you are doing this for a loved one make sure you are clear on what temperature they want.

Step 4. Sit back and Relax, listen to your favourite meditation music, turn off the lights and light your scented candles.

Soak feet for minimum of 10-20 minutes.

So many lovely benefits. The relaxation in itself benefits your nervous and lymphatic systems. Calms the mind, soothes the emotions and rests the heart. If you choose to listen to Yoga sound meditation music you will be enjoying a complete holistic experience, encompassing body, mind, heart and soul.

All of the ingredients being used in the "Foot soak" have very beneficial effects on the body, helping to relax, nourish and detoxify.

So take 15 minutes tonight to pamper yourself, you deserve it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Essentials Pack Wii Fit Pink

Essentials Pack Wii Fit Pink
Price: $49.99

Enjoy the convenience of Exercising and having fun in the privacy of your own home. This essential pack will help to motivate you and make your Wii exercise work out more comfortable.  Its so pretty... I love pink..!

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life, Herbal Tea Supplement, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)

Green tea blueberry slim life is specifically formulated not only to support healthy weight loss, but also to help give you the energy you need to maintain an active lifestyle while dieting. To help suppress the appetite, we add a natural extract of the fruit Garcinia cambogia. We add green tea to supply antioxidants, and ginseng-eleuthero extract to help provide extra energy. With a light yet sweet blueberry flavor and hints of organic hibiscus, green tea blueberry slim life is a fragrant and delicious addition to a weight loss program supported by exercise and a balanced diet.
Price: $29.94

Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life, Herbal Tea Supplement 16 Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)

Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, September 23, 2010

4-Easy Ways to Get Fit, Faster!

Let’s face it, getting and staying in shape can be a costly investment. And, if you’re not careful, its greatest cost is the one commodity you could use the most of: time. Yet, even many seasoned exercisers often have difficulty changing their bodies with regular workouts. And worse, many think the more hours spent training heavily, the better the result. Not true! Often this break-neck pace leads only to fatigue, burnout, and injury.
What most people also may not realize, there are several, easy ways to redistribute your time and create ‘smarter’ workouts. These common sense, turbo-chargers cost little or no money, will help change your body in a positive way, and all without giving up a lot of time.
Here, I’ve given you four simple strategies that can help you turbo charge your workout (and your body), too:
Warm Up and Cool Down Sufficiently. In short: take 10. Strive to take 10 minutes before heavy exercise to get blood flowing with light aerobic activity (walking, or a series of slow arm and leg circles) to get the large muscle groups moving and prevent injury. At the end of your workout, try to opt for 10 minutes of light stretching, aiming at the major muscle groups: arms, back, chest, and legs. This will help re-absorb lactic acid (metabolic waste that builds up during exercise and can lead to soreness).
Drink More Water. Just eight-8oz. glasses of water per day will carry away waste and toxins from your body. It will also help keep you cool during exercise and replace the fluids lost during your workout (you will usually lose 1 liter per 1-hour workout).
Get Adequate Rest. The body requires a sufficient amount of sleep for rest and tissue repair (usually around 7-8 hours per night for the healthy person). Sleep also provides the body time to lower levels of bacteria in the body. It actually stimulates the immune system! If you can’t get your eight hours, try to take a quick 10-20 minute power nap sometime during the day.
Go Easy on the Starchy Carbs. Try to “balance” starchy carbs (cereals, breads, white potatoes, rice) with protein and veggie alternatives.
My own personal case study: Even though I’d been exercising for years, I couldn’t shake the extra 10 pounds I’d gained in college. I exercised for about an hour every day rotating my routine between cardio and resistance training. Did I need to exercise more? I wondered. Maybe, but I couldn’t fit another hour into the day. So, I took a good look at my diet. What I found was, every day I was loading up with starchy carbs! Lots of cereal and toast. Lots of potatoes and white rice.
If you could use a Jump-start in you workout or haven’t seen changes in awhile, these four ideas are well worth your consideration. Plus, just by changing one small thing, you could make quite a difference in your shape. It will add a new element of vigor to your workout! So, reap the big rewards of these small changes, they will pay dividends on your investment.

author:Laura Turner

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Frankincense 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- 10 ml

* Botanical Name: Boswellia Frereana
* Plant Part: Resin
* Extraction Method: Steam
* Origin: India
* Description: The Frankincense tree originates from the Middle East, and is small with abundant pinnacle leaves. The flowers are white or pale pink. Frankincense resin begins as a milky-white sticky liquid that flows from the trunk of the tree when it's cut, healing the wound.
* Color: Pale yellow green
* Common Uses: Frankincense oil is said to help rejuvenate an aging skin, is a skin tonic and is effective with bacterial and fungal infections. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil is reputed to be an effective treatment for joint pain and arthritis. Frankincense can also be used as an insect repellent and is also widely used in cosmetics and soap manufacturing.
* Consistency: Medium
* Note: Base
* Strength of Aroma: Strong
* Blends well with: Basil, Bergamot, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Coriander, Geranium & Ginger
* Aromatic Scent: A rich woody, earthy scent with a deeply mysterious nuance. It is a grounding aroma, and often used in meditation.
* History: Frankincense is widely known since biblical times. Frankincense is from the French word 'Franc' meaning 'luxuriant' or it could be 'real incense'. Also known as Olibanum, Frankincense was used by the ancient Egyptians in their religious ceremonies and was used as incense by the Greeks and the Romans.
* Cautions: Frankincense oil is non-toxic and non-irritant and could be used by most people. For external use only.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yoga Weight Loss Secrets

Natural, Sustained Weight Loss Based On Yoga, Meditation And Vegetarian Diet. EBook(R) With Complete Instructions.

Check it out!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why We Need Calcium

Calcium is one nutrient that is sometimes overlooked. However, it is one of the most important nutrients your body needs. Calcium plays an important part in body functions and some development. Knowing how much calcium you need daily and where to get it from can ensure that you will lead a healthier life and live longer.

What does Calcium do for us! Well, calcium does many things for your body. Everyone knows calcium is great for the bones. It also plays a role in keeping your muscles and nerves working properly. It also helps blood clot and keeps your heart functioning properly. Lacking calcium in your diet can greatly affect your health for years to come.

When your body does not get enough calcium it begins to take calcium from the bones. When this occurs, the bones become deficient and problems can start such as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease that mostly affects older people. Osteoporosis is a disease where the bones get thin and brittle. However calcium is important at any age. In children calcium is important to help with bone growth. Pregnant women calcium intake is also very important. Along with other nutrients the baby needs calcium to grow. So, more calcium intake is important during pregnancy.

Here are some basic guidelines for calcium. Intake 1,300mg a day for children age 1-10, 1,600mg a day for age 11-25. Pregnant and breast feeding mothers should get 1,500mg a day. Don’t worry about taking too much calcium. Intakes of up to 2,500mg are still a safe level. Most of the Excess calcium is easily removed form the body.

We suggest the follow as a good guideline for calcium foods. Try to get at least three to four servings a day of dairy products. Most greens are good sources of calcium. Make better choices when buying foods with added calcium can help you to make sure you are getting enough calcium.

Calcium is often overlooked as an important nutrient. It is up to us to make sure we are getting enough. Remember it is quite easy to add calcium foods into our diet. Soft bones are most often contributed, because of a lack of calcium intake.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yoga Positions – Benefits

I often wondered what the value of each type of yoga position is, so I did some research to find out. All yoga positions help to develop strength and flexibility. Yet the type of yoga position that you do also offers some very specific benefits.


They are included in many poses and they help to align your feet and body. This type of yoga position is especially useful in improving your posture. Standing poses strengthen your legs while simultaneously increasing flexibility in your legs and hips. They add to the mobility of your neck and shoulders and they increase the flexibility in your pelvis and lower back. One of the most basic standing poses is Mountain Pose.


These poses help increase flexibility in your hips and lower back, while also strengthening your back. They add suppleness to your spine and elasticity to your hips, knees, ankle and groin. They also encourage deeper breathing, which contributes to you feeling calm and peaceful.


This type of yoga position helps stretch your lower back and hamstrings. Forward bends also release tension in your back, neck, shoulders, and increase the flexibility in your spine. They often promote a sense of calmness. I find forward bends particularly challenging since I have a considerable amount of stiffness in my neck due to an old gymnastics injury. This is the type of yoga position where I often use a prop such as a strap or block.


They open your chest, rib cage, and hips. They strengthen your arms and shoulders, while simultaneously increasing flexibility in your shoulders. They help relieve tension from the front of your body and hips and they also increase spinal stability. You should always do back bends as a complement to forward bends in order to maintain balance in your body.


Although balance poses can be challenging, I find them to be some of the most fun poses to do. They help you develop muscle tone and coordination and also strength and agility. They help improve your posture because you really need to elongate your spine in order to keep yourself from falling over. This type of yoga position helps train your mind to focus your attention; if your attention if not focused, you will not be able to do the pose.


I love to do twists. Twists release tension in your spine and increase shoulder and hip mobility. They also help relieve backaches by stretching and opening up your back muscles. I often experience tightness in my upper back and twists help me loosen up this area. It is important to always do twists on both sides of your body in order to ensure alignment and balance.


Supine poses are done on your back. They help stretch your abdominal muscles, they open your hips, and increase your spinal mobility. They release tension and strengthen your back, arms and legs.

Prone poses are done facing the floor. They strengthen your arms and back and open up your hips and groin. They relieve tension and increase flexibility in your spine. One of my favorite prone poses is Extended Seal because I find it very relaxing and it helps stretch out my shoulders and upper back.


This type of yoga position develops strength and stamina, particularly in your upper body. It also increases circulation because since your legs are higher than your heart, it reverses the normal flow of blood. Inversions help pull fluid out of your feet and legs, so they are great to do after you have been standing up for a long time. Advanced inversion poses require a great deal of strength and alignment and should only be learned under the guidance of a certified teacher. People with glaucoma, pregnant women and those who are menstruating should avoid inversion poses.


Relaxation poses are usually done at the end of a yoga practice. They calm your mind and body and encourage a deep feeling of relaxation. This type of yoga position is often one of the most challenging poses to do, particularly for Westerners who often have a difficult time letting go. One of the most well-known relaxation poses is Corpse Pose.

There are hundreds of poses in yoga and they all provide wonderful benefits for your mind and body. By understanding each type of yoga position, you can choose a well rounded practice with asanas from each type or do those that meet your body’s needs at any given time.

Friday, September 10, 2010

AM/PM Yoga for Beginners [VHS]

This yoga set is perfect for busy people who need to work in a way to relax. On the a.m. tape, Rodney Yee takes you through a 15-minute morning yoga set, while Patricia Walden leads a 20-minute evening routine on the p.m. tape. The a.m. tape was filmed on a beach on Maui at sunrise, providing a soothing background for this gentle workout. In the morning, Rodney tells us, "the body is rested but stiff from inactivity." The stretches he demonstrates are designed to increase circulation, improve mobility, and bring clarity to your mind. The movements are easy to follow (they include a conscious relaxation, the a.m. workout, and a guided meditation), and the set is short enough that it can be squeezed into the most hectic of morning schedules. The p.m. video was filmed at sunset in Death Valley. Patricia's yoga set is designed to quiet the mind after the stress of the day and to help you make the transition from active to quiet. She uses a combination of a centering series, standing poses, forward bends, and restorative poses to help you ease into night. You will need some firm blankets to sit on and a yoga strap (although a belt or scarf will serve the same purpose) to perform these movements. Perfect for the beginner and for the overworked. --Jenny Brown
Price: $19.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Indigo Ocean Dreams: 4 Children Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness

Indigo Ocean Dreams is a 60 minute audio/CD designed to entertain your child in an ocean setting while introducing them to four research-based, stress management techniques. Each story integrates either progressive muscular relaxation, visualizations, breathing, and affirmations (positive statements). Children follow their sea friends along as they use progressive muscular relaxation and breathing to release and manage anger with Angry Octopus. Children build self-esteem with positive believe in yourself statements with Affirmation Weaver. Diaphragmatic breathing is fun with sea otters in Sea Otter Cove. Children enjoy a bubble ride through the ocean as they visualize colors with Bubble Riding. This CD offers longer stories than the first in this series, Indigo Dreams. Ideal for older children ages 6-12, or as step two for those already familiar with Indigo Dreams. Engaging characters present these adult level techniques in an easy to follow format that makes it fun for any child to learn. The male narration is accompanied by calming sounds of dolphins, sea otters, and gentle waves. An additional music sound track is included to further enhance your child's relaxation experience. These proven techniques encourage wellness and provide tools for children who suffer from anxiety, stress, trauma, hyperactivity, anger, pain, sleep issues, and lack of confidence.
Price: $15.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nextware Art Pop Clip Case for iPhone 4, Yoga - ART-YOGA

Art Pop Clip on case offers beautiful back shell Graphic with sleek low profile design to bridge the gap between you and your iPhone 4. Lightweight hard shell case offers minimalistic design to bring out the beauty of iPhone 4 . Offers complete back and side protection. Protective Screen Guard included. This glossy case with Yoga inspired Shanti - "Peace" Yoga Art graphic stands out from the crowd. Get your's today!

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yogi Bedtime, Herbal Tea Supplement, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)

Organic Bedtime tea is a safe, gentle and delicious way to help you get a restful night's sleep.Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and other calming herbs included in this organic formula have been used for centuries to promote sleep without the risk of a morning "hangover" that can sometimes result from the use of drug products. This healing formula also includes Organic Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), which has been used for years by Western herbalists to soothe and relax and for its effectiveness in combating nervousness and restlessness. Mild relaxants such as Organic St. John's Wort and Passion Flower are also included in this formula. St. John's Wort is well known for its positive effects on mood, while Passion Flower, a Native American herb containing the naturally occurring chemical chrysina, a flavonoid, has been shown to help reduce nervousness and anxiety. This tea is also enhanced with Organic Skullcap, which has scutellarian, a plant compound that has been shown to help reduce anxiety. To help promote better and deeper sleep, health practitioners recommend avoiding caffeine products. Drink organic Bedtime tea before bed for a good night's sleep.
Price: $29.94

Click here to buy from Amazon

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Yoga for Scoliosis [VHS]

Studio: Bayview/widowmaker. Run time: 50 minutes
Price: $29.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

5.0 out of 5 stars Very Good, October 31, 2009
By : Laguna Vista, TX
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Yoga for Scoliosis (Spiral-bound)
Having been recently diagnosed with moderate scoliosis (age 46) and exploring the few options, I ordered this book. Based on the info and testimonies I could find, yoga seems to be a reasonable step - instead of the standard issue back exercises and then wait and see if problem progresses to brace then surgery approach. The book is very well written - especially the opening pages which has a clear summary of scoliosis - the 4 most common types of curvatures - and the explanation of structural (usually unequal growth) and functional scoliosis (caused by environment) - and how to determine the difference (which type you have). I have been able to do some of the exercises for the last few weeks which seem to be helping - back "seems" straighter, stronger, and definitely more flexible (even visually a bit - waistline is a little less uneven..). Continueous pain in lower back and hips has very much decreased (gone much of the time). However, I do not understand the write up on how to do many of the exercises (and I am concerned about doing them incorrectly) so I have just ordered the DVD. I would recommend purchasing this book - it is written by someone with severe scoliosis (who is extremely active and looks great even though) and contains a great deal of beneficial information.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kids Yoga eBooks

These beautifully written stories teach your child about the philosophy and practices of yoga, and include 15 yoga poses, instructions, an mp3 recordings and a colouring book. These books are guaranteed to put a smile on your child's face.

Check it out!


My Children Now Think That Reading is Fun!
"For years I’ve tried to encourage my children to read, and it was only after they started colouring in the Magic Yoga Mat eBooks and practicing the poses that they began to think that reading was fun.

Now when my eldest comes home from school she likes to read the stories to her younger brother and sister and then they all practice together. Like Mary Poppins, Magic Yoga Mat has added a spoonful of sugar to reading and exercise, making them fun! I recommend this to everyone with children.

Janine Lipkin, Mother of 3, Rowville, Australia

Check it out!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yoga: The Most Effective Scoliosis Exercise

The most effective yoga exercises for the treatment of scoliosis-related problems include the Crocodile twist, the Supine knee chest twist, the passive back arch and the one leg up-one leg out posture. These exercises are very helpful in raising one's lowered shoulder and reducing the back pain.
Scoliosis is a condition in which a person has side-to-side spinal curves in addition to the normal curves through which the lower portion of the human back curves inwards. The most effective remedy for such a condition is Scoliosis exercises. Although many exercises help in reducing the Scoliosis-related problems, yoga is considered the best Scoliosis exercise. Yoga postures are helpful since they enable us to stretch our body and you get relief from back pain.
The One leg up and one leg out scoliosis exercise have been found to be very effective in reducing muscular tension in legs. The Seated twist is a good remedy for the treatment of thoracic twist. This exercise also helps to rectify the alignment of the body and is simple to perform.
The Passive back arch scoliosis exercise has been found to be helpful in not only reducing scoliosis-related pain, but also the problems related to condition called pectus excavatum (sunken chest). Pectus excavatum is generally caused due to tight muscles across one's chest and back and soft bones in the rib cage and spine.
The Joint freeing series of scoliosis exercises are particularly helpful for people suffering from scoliosis with tight shoulder muscles. The Head to Knee pose helps in maintaining the alignment of the body and straightening of the spine. The spinal and the abdominal twists result in the stretching of muscles in the shoulder.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Yoga Basics Plus

Who Else Wants To Quickly Get Into Shape, Loose Weight, And Become More 'In Tune' With Your Mind, Body And Spirit In Just 5 Days?

Check it out!

  • The most common misconception people have about Yoga and why it is completely wrong. (Hint: There’s a 99% chance you are guilty of this one)
  • Inside view at all the different types of yoga equipment, why YOU need them and where to purchase them at rock-bottom prices!
  • The #1 element to mastering the art of Yoga. (You can read one million books about yoga but failing to follow this one rule spells “guaranteed failure”)
  • How the power of yoga can help any nicotine addict quit smoking almost overnight. (If you smoke or know someone who does, then this section will be a real eye-opener)
  • The secret to using yoga to safely cure any type of pain. (You’ll never have to worry about curing your body aches with health hazardous and toxic medication that often cause even more damage)
  • How Yoga an easily give you the stress free life you always wanted just a matter of days.
  • Learn about the 7 different types of Yoga. (You’ll discover what each Yoga type consists of so you can choose the one that’s right for you).
  • How Yoga can significantly reduce stress eight times faster than any other method in the world!
  • The two critical components every serious Yoga student should know about but probably don’t. (Hint: it is not what you think).
  • The reason why Yoga can help anyone lose up to 30 pounds of fat faster and more effectively than the most rigorous excise program.
  • AND MORE..!!
 Check it out!

Yoga and Meditation

"Stressed out? Do You Feel Like The World Is Crashing Down Around You? Want To Take A Vacation That Will Relax Your Mind, Body And Spirit?
Look No Further! This Beginners Guide to Yoga and Meditation Gives You An In Depth
Explanation on How To Release All of The Inner
Stresses As Well As Improving Your Fitness 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Yoga Thick Multi-purpose Interlocking Black Foam Mats

A set of four 24'' x 24'' black mats are ideal for cushioning any hard surface area. Mats are multi-purpose and can be used in a childrens play area, personal gym, Yoga exercise mats, floor protection and much more. Includes 4 mats for a total of 16 square feet.
Price: $34.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Unique Flow Yoga Program Attracts Athletes

Redesigned Video Sales Page. Promotion support available - graphics, interviews, etc. Prasara 'Flow' Yoga. Three difficulty levels. 60 videos plus ebook manuals. We make it easy to get the benefits of yoga without the leotards and candles. Check it out!

I’ve been recently working with the Prasara Primer and am quite impressed with the product quality and with the yoga flows themselves. The quality of the materials shows the attention to detail that Coaches Hurst and Ilano have for their work, and it makes learning the flows simple and straightforward. The flows themselves are challenging and effective, and have been created both for beginner’s and seasoned yogi’s alike. This primer is a first class program and has me anxiously awaiting the next product release. Well done Ryan and Jarlo!
John Sifferman, CST, CST-KS, NSCA-CPT
Health-First Fitness Coach

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yoga for beginners

Yoga for beginners is a resource for people who are new to Yoga. A great site full of information, tips, and advice for those specifically seeking to learn about Yoga, relaxation, meditation and lifestyle.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why We Need Amino Acids

AMINO ACIDS are the building blocks of the body. Besides building cells and repairing tissue, they form antibodies to combat invading bacteria & viruses; they are part of the enzyme & hormonal system; they build nucleoproteins (RNA & DNA); they carry oxygen throughout the body and participate in muscle activity. When protein is broken down by digestion the result is 22 known amino acids.

As the building blocks of protein, amino acids are vital to health. Next to water, amino acids in the form of proteins make up the greatest portion of our body weight. They comprise tendons, muscles and ligaments; organs and glands; hair and nails; important bodily fluids, and are a necessary part of every cell in the body.

There are over 20 amino acids, separated into two categories - essential and non-essential. Essential amino acids are those that cannot be manufactured by your body, hence, it is essential that you obtain them from your diet. Non-essential amino acids can be manufactured by your body, however, your body must have the right combination of essential amino acids and supporting nutrients to optimize healthy protein maintenance, so supplementation may be desirable. Twenty amino acids are needed to build the various proteins used in the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues. Eleven of these amino acids can be made by the body itself, while the other nine (called essential amino acids) must come from the diet. The essential amino acids are isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Another amino acid, histidine, is considered semi-essential because the body does not always require dietary sources of it. The nonessential amino acids are arginine, alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine. Other amino acids, such as carnitine, are used by the body in ways other than protein-building and are often used therapeutically.

Who is likely to be deficient?

Dieters and anyone consuming an inadequate number of calories may not be consuming adequate amounts of amino acids. In these cases, the body will break down the protein in muscle tissue and use those amino acids to meet the needs of more important organs or will simply not build more muscle mass despite increasing exercise.

Amino acids are not only absolutely integral to life, but they can have a profound impact upon how clearly we think and how well we feel.


• builds cells and repairs tissue

• assists with wound healing

• increases athletic performance

Eat a healthy well balanced diet full of vegetable protiens, fruit, legumes, seeds and nuts, whole grains and drink loads of water. This is commonly known at a Yogi Diet. Just add Yoga Asanas and Meditation for a productive and tranquil life.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yoga For Rowers eBook

Yoga For Rowers is the first book of it's kind! This is a cutting new edge way to train - it's the secret of champion rowers. Proven To Work! This is The most comprehensive book that explains precisely how yoga will make you more competitive on the water.

Check it out!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

TKO Anti Burst Fitness Yoga Ball Set 75cm

Ideal for yoga and fitness classes, the TKO anti-burst fitness ball helps you increase your flexibility while strengthening and toning your muscles--especially your core. The 75-centimeter ball features a durable anti-burst construction, with a soft rubber surface that supports and cushions your body. The ball is perfect for ab exercises, stability and balance workouts, and even as a replacement for a flat bench for chest and shoulder presses. Easy to maintain and clean, the fitness ball comes with a hand pump and instructional wall chart.
Price: $22.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Your Metabolism And Fat Loss

If you know someone that has been trying to lose weight and get into shape, you have probably heard words such as, "I just eat one meal a day to lose weight" or "I'm afraid if I eat, I'll gain weight" but sadly, this misnomer is why so many people are in the "battle of the bulge". People all over the world still believe that eating breakfast, or even three meals a day will cause them to gain weight. In truth, as long as they are eating the right types of foods and exercising, then three normal meals or six small meals a day will actually work better with their metabolism than eating the wrong quantities or not eating often enough.

With more than half of Americans over the age of 20 now being considered "overweight", now more than ever, we need to understand how metabolism works in relation to losing weight. Why risk having a heart attack, a stroke, developing cancer, or diabetes when all you have to do is make a few minor changes and live a healthy life? First, a person's metabolic rate is determined by the number and size of respiring cells that compromise the body's tissue, and the intensity of the metabolism in these cells. These two factors combined are what makeup the physiological foundation of the amount of energy (calories) in which a body uses.

Keep in mind that energy cannot be created or destroyed, just changed. As we know, potential energy comes from the foods we eat. When talking about weight loss, there are three components of balanced energy, which include calorie intake, calories stored, and calories expended. The way it works is that if the amount of calories taken in equals the amount of calories being expended (burned), then there is balance and the body's weight is stable.

On the other hand, if the balance becomes positive, caused by more food being eaten than is burned, energy is destroyed or in better terms, stored as body fat. It is important to remember that you can be eating a diet considered low-fat and still gain weight. The reason is that most dietary fat is stored while the body is burning carbohydrates and proteins for energy. The problem is the when a person gains weight, the increased level of fat becomes stored energy until the calorie balance is negative. For that to happen, the amount of calories burned needs to exceed the number of calories being consumed, no matter what the macronutrient content.

Metabolism is the rate at which the body uses energy to support the basic functions essential to sustain life. This metabolism is comprised of three parts, which include physical activity (20%), Thermic Effect of Food, also called TEF (10%), and Resting Metabolism Rate or REM (70%). Physical activity is the amount of energy your body burns up during normal, daily activities to include housework, recreation, work, exercise, and so on. Obviously, someone that is physically active will burn more energy than a sedentary person will. TEF accounts for the energy used in digesting and absorbing nutrients, which would vary depending on the meal's composition. When a person overeats, TEF is increased because more food must be digested. Here is where metabolism becomes very interesting and what causes so much confusion.

One pound is equal to 3,500 calories, so let us say a person consumes 3,500 more calories than normal. That individual would not gain one pound because the TED is accounted for but if 3,500 calories were cut trying to lose weight, then TEF decreases since there would be fewer nutrients to process. The result is that with energy expenditure would decrease, meaning that the individual would lose less than one pound in weight. In other words, by cutting out too much food, TEF cannot work as it was designed to do. Now keep in mind that you cannot go around eating a bunch of junk food. After all, the calories you do consume need to be healthy foods but what this does mean is that when you do not eat, you are actually working against your body in fighting weight gain, not the other way around.

Finally, the RMR refers to the number of calories the body needs to run its essential functions, as well as chemical reactions while in a rested state. This aspect of metabolism accounts for the greatest number of calories burned every day. What happens is that if lean weight should be lost because of increased protein metabolism, then RMR decreases. Typically, you would see this happen when a person goes on a very strict diet. In this situation, the body is forced into a negative nitrogen balance, which means a greater amount of protein is lost than what is replaced because of less protein/energy intake. When this imbalance occurs, there is a gradual loss of lean weight, which then lowers RMR.

What happens many times is that dieters will limit the amount of lean weight loss with intense exercise for the muscles to develop a need to maintain more protein. When this happens, the body is forced to use more energy from stored fats. If you want to put your metabolism to work for you, some simple steps can be taken:

* By adding a few extra pounds of lean muscle, the metabolic rate can be increased by up to 200% each day * Remember that lean weight can burn as much as 20 times more calories than fat weight * Regular exercise is one of the best ways to boost metabolism * By eating smaller meals and more often, you can boost your metabolism rate

While you need to eat healthy foods, studies prove that what matters most is how much of a person's body weight is attributed to fat. Remember, excess fat is what links to major health problems. Therefore, it is important that you maintain a healthy weight but more crucial that you monitor the fat-to-muscle ratio.

For example, a woman standing 5'5" might weigh only 125 pounds but have a 27% body fat ratio, which is not good. This individual worked hard to diet, while staying involved with aerobics. However, much of what she lost was not fat, but muscle. Even though this weight would be considered ideal for her height, her body fat to muscle ratio is too high.

An excellent way to optimize your fat-to-muscle ratio is by getting involved with weight training in addition to the nutrition and cardio. As you will see with the tools provided at, you can analyze the thickness of the subcutaneous fat at various areas of the body. The benefit is that you know exactly what your ratios are so you can achieve a healthy fat-to-muscle ratio as well as body weight.
Remember, you are in control and need to make the decision to do something good for yourself. Therefore, now is the time to take that control and fight to live a lean and healthy lifestyle. Practise Yoga as part of your get fit routine, energise and stretch the body. Gain flexibility while working on and benefiting all of the systems of the body. Daily Meditation is also recommended to help relieve stress and tension while helping to keep us focused on our goals.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Yoga Sound Gauranga And Yoga Paths

Since human beings began practicing yoga thousands of years ago, the symbol of a tree has often been linked with the discipline – and for good reason! Yoga has a multitude of branches when it comes to how you choose to practice and all of them are based on the same philosophy, or trunk, of spirituality. Hatha yoga is the one most well known to Westerners – the physical act of practicing poses. Here are a few other paths that you may choose to combine with your personal yoga practice.

Raja Yoga

In raja yoga, the main goal is a calm and spiritual, meditative state. There are eight principles that are followed strictly and in order in raja yoga and, though important, physical movement or poses is not the focus. The eight principles or stages are:

* Ethical standards or ‘yama’

* Self-discipline or ‘niyama’

* Posture or ‘asana’

* Breath control or ‘pranayama’

* Sensory withdrawal or ‘pratyahara’

* Concentration or ‘dharana’

* Meditation or ‘dhyana’

* Liberation or ‘samadhi’

Karma Yoga

The focus of karma yoga is on service and treatment of others. The basic idea is that our experiences today are a direct result of our past actions. Therefore, everything that those who practice karma yoga do today is in an effort to create a better future for themselves and those around them. They do this by eliminating the motivations of pessimism and egotism. This means living for others instead of ourselves.

Jnana Yoga

Those who practice jnana yoga are most concerned with the development of the mind. They are scholars interested in the philosophy behind yoga and their yoga practice focuses on studying and understanding ancient and traditional texts. This is thought to be one of the most intense yoga disciplines as the learning is intense and difficult.

Unlike branches on a tree, the paths of yoga often intersect and overlap. Though it is difficult to hang from two or three tree branches at once, it is not difficult at all to practice more than one path of yoga.

Try Mantra Yoga

Find a nice quiet place, so that you won't be disturbed.

Use the Yoga Mantra GAURANGA which is easily pronounced in 4 sylables Gaur Ra An Ga

Sit with your eyes softly closed. As you inhale think about the Yoga Mantra-Gauranga. As you exhale, say out loud for the full extention of the out ward breath ...

Very simple to practise but has many benefits.

  • Also known as a vibro massage which benefits tissues in the mouth, the voice box, all the way down into the upper lungs.
  • Increases lung capacity.
  • Gently vibrates the throat area benefiting the thyroid and parathyroid glands
  • The sound vibration has a peaceful and calming effect on the mind, soothes the emotions and nourishes the heart.

Gauranga Yoga Mantra is a non-material spiritually uplifting sound, the positive effects of which are soulful and ever lasting. I highly recommend it. A truly holistic yoga technique benefiting body, mind and spirit.