Friday, November 5, 2010

7 Tips On Back Pain Prevention

A slipped or ruptured disc causes rather severe back pain, often with radiation down the thigh and leg, sometimes with "hot spots" somewhere along the course of the pain. Diseased discs come on over a period of years, caused by excessive strain on the joints of the back, such as by poor posture, occupational stresses or competitive sports. It is rarely a sudden event in a person having no previous symptoms.
Maintaining one position for a long period of time, such as in typing or bending over at work may cause chronic back strain. Learn to sit and bend without strain.

This six-week series of easy exercises is a progressive program designed to eliminate or reduce back pain and prevent future problems. Learn the two causes of most back pain, six tests to find your real problem areas, seven tips on pain prevention, and ways to reduce stress and tension. Based on the work of Dr. Hans Kraus and the YMCA's exercise program, "The Y's Way to a Healthy Back". Includes illustrated back exercise booklet.
Price: $39.95
Click here to buy from Amazon

Weakness of muscles from lack of exercise is another important cause of backache. Vigorous outdoor exercise that brings into use all the powers and movements of the back can gradually correct certain chronic backaches. Be certain to start an exercise slowly, as exercise of weak muscles can cause a flare-up of pain.
Spondylolisthesis is a slipping forward of one vertebra over its neighbor with erosion of a part of one vertebra. Sitting on the floor with the legs straight out in front can cause this type of backache. Low-seated bucket seats give a similar position.
A transitional vertebra is a birth defect in which one vertebrae in the low back does double duty, both as a part of the spine above, and as a part of the pelvis below. The resulting overwork leads to pain. Back-strengthening exercises can help this type of pain.
Psychological factors are, in some people, a very potent cause of backache. Take away the unhappiness or prescribe long walks in nature to neutralize tension or mental anguish and the backache is sure to disappear.
Constitutional factors cause backache, such as constipation, hypoglycemia, pregnancy, menstruation, and pelvic tumors in both men and women.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Back Pain Yoga For Pain Relief

Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back,Sacrum and Hips with Gary Kraftsow

"Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back,Sacrum and Hips" features short,simple therapeutic yoga practices carefully designed to alleviate pain and promote health in the low back,sacrum and hips. For the first time ever on DVD,benefit from the expert guidance of Gary Kraftsow,one of the world's leading yoga therapists. Founder of the American Viniyoga Institute,Gary is the designer of the only yoga practices demonstrated to be effective for back pain in a National Institutes of Health&ndsh;sponsored clinical study. If you are one of the 8 out of 10 Americans who have or will experience back pain,make the powerful therapeutic practices on this DVD a part of your everyday regimen for health and wellbeing!
Price: $24.99
Click here to buy from Amazon

Poor Posture
Lack of exercise
Standing or bending down for long periods
Sitting in a chair that does not provide enough back support
Sleeping on a mattress that does not provide enough back support
Lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling heavy loads, or going about these.
A fall.
The most important cause of backache is obesity. Carrying excess weight puts a strain on the back, on both the bones and the soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, and joint tissues). The excess weight in front of the spine, on the abdomen and chest, leads to pulling the body forward, causing the back muscles to be under a strain to hold the body erect. A weakening of these structures by fat that grows into the tiny spaces around blood vessels and along the borders between muscles and around joints causes these soft tissues to be less able to protect themselves from minor injury.
Overeating is another major cause of backache. In a thin person, even eating a large meal too can result in overbalancing the body in the forward position from the extra weight of the food and digestive juices. The reflexive effort to hold the shoulders and ribs off the overloaded intestinal tract adds to the strain on the back.