Friday, October 29, 2010

Exercise Calcium And Osteoporosis

According to the U.S. News & World Report Health Center, “Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. Literally meaning ‘porous bone,’ it results in an increased loss of bone mass and strength.” Osteoporosis debilitates millions of people every year, but there is good news – prevention is possible!
The skeletal structure of the body provides support for our muscles and protection for our vital organs; our bones are also a storehouse of calcium and other minerals. More than 99 percent of the body’s calcium is stored in our bones and teeth, the other 1 percent travels throughout our body in our blood. Calcium is vital for heart and muscle function.
Our skeletons are made up of a smooth, tough outer layer of dense bone, a spongier mid section and a soft core of marrow where new cells are made to rebuild our bones. Our bones are constantly changing because our bodies depend on a steady supply of calcium to function properly. When we don’t get enough calcium from our regular diet our bodies break down and rebuild bone to meet our needs. This is called “bone remodeling.”
There is no cure for osteoporosis, so disease prevention is vital to maintaining bone density. There are three key areas to consider when it comes to preventing osteoporosis: diet, lifestyle choices and medications.
Now you can shed the pounds and have a blast while you're doing it! It's easy with the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set. Loaded with red-hot dance steps, pulsating Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow routines, this invigorating dance-fitness "party" will have you moving', groovin' and shakin' the weight off to the sexy, exotic rhythms of salsa, cumbia, samba, meringue and more! Work your body from head to toe with four DVDs and six exhilarating workouts that teach you all the basics and hit your favorite targets, like your core, thighs and abs. You also get maraca-like Toning Sticks to add some muscle to your body sculpting routines. Now's the time! Get ready to "Join the Party" and see a whole new side of yourself!
Price: $69.95
Click here to buy from Amazon

Many things can influence bone remodeling, like injury, illness, medications, exercise, diet, hormonal changes, smoking, heavy drinking and of course the normal aging process. When the body requires more calcium than we are able to consume, or if we aren’t able to store the calcium we consume adequately it is leached from the spongy mid layer of our bones. They gradually lose their density making them weak and porous, and more prone to fractures. This is osteoporosis.
Most of our bone mass is established before the age of 30, and after about age 35, as a part of the normal aging process, our bodies begin to breakdown our bone faster than we are able to rebuild it. The natural decline in hormonal production is another contributing factor. When women reach menopause and their ovaries stop producing estrogen and bone loss accelerates. In men a reduction in the hormone testosterone also encourages bone loss.
There is no cure for osteoporosis, so disease prevention is vital to maintaining bone density. There are three key areas to consider when it comes to preventing osteoporosis: diet, lifestyle choices and medications.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Gentle Exercises Keeps Osteoporosis At Bay

To maintain strong healthy bones a diet sufficient in calcium and vitamin D are important from preadolescence and throughout adulthood. Calcium needs become greater in older adults whose bodies can no longer rebuild bone mass. Recent studies suggest that bone fractures can be reduced by 30-50% in individuals with low dietary calcium simply with the addition of a calcium and vitamin D supplement.
A few easy lifestyle changes can also influence our risk of getting osteoporosis. Smoking, low body weight and a lack of exercise are all contributing factors to raising our susceptibility to the disease. Weight-bearing exercises like walking, stair climbing, dancing and weight training help to increase bone density, keep muscles flexible and ensure better physical balance in people of all ages. Exercise also helps to regulate body weight to a healthy level. There is a direct link between tobacco use and lower bone density so smoking cessation is also recommended.

Seniors Elderly Pilates Sitting Chair Exercises DVD: This Easy Sitting Exercise DVD is good for Seniors, Elderly, Physical Therapy, After Surgery and Rehabilitation with Slow Paced Pilates & Stretching exercises that are a Great Therapy for Improving Strength, Flexibility, Mobility and Balance Exercises. This Seniors Seated Pilates Exercise DVD has Upper Body strengthening exercises for the Shoulders, Arms, Upper Back, Neck, Chest, Abdominal, the Lower Back, Hips, Thighs, & Legs exercises. This Simple and Safe Sitting Pilates Exercises DVD is a Non Impact, Non Aerobic with a Effective Fitness and exercise Routine specifically for Seniors, Elderly & Rehab. This Easy Sitting exercise DVD is also Good for Summer & Winter indoor exercises. In just a few weeks you will gain Strength, Flexibility, Joint Mobility and Added Balance with this Easy Sitting Exercise Fitness DVD. Advantages of exercising with this Seniors Elderly Sitting Pilates Exercise DVD
You will Increase your level of muscular strength
Increase your stamina and ability to stand and walk longer.
Increase or maintain your bone mineral density to prevent Osteoporosis.
Increase muscular endurance.
Help you maintain your resting metabolic rate to prevent weight gain. (BR)Provide protection against injury.
Maintain or improve joint integrity.
Help you to maintain an independent lifestyle.
Improve your balance and coordination.
Price: $14.99
Click here to buy from Amazon

The use of medications can and does play an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis. Calcium and vitamin D supplements as mentioned previously are often paired with bisphosphonates like Alendronate and Risedronate, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like Raloxifene, and hormonal replacements like Estrogen and Testosterone. All medications have some side effects and these are best discussed with your doctor.
Though there is no known cure for osteoporosis there is hope and help in preventing this common and often debilitating disease of the elderly. By starting now and working to prevent bone density loss you’ll have a stronger, healthier future.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Green Super Food For Health

There is one supplement that has high concentrated source of chlorophyll. This supplement also contains Vitamins A, C, E, K and B including B12 and B17 (these two are particularly significant because it’s been suggested that it’s not easy to get vitamin B12 on a vegetarian diet. B17 is significant because of the latest research that suggests possible benefits it provides on specific types of cancers). It also contains every single known mineral, in organic form. That’s every single known mineral needed by the body. Some of these are extremely hard to get. It also has every known trace mineral. A true phenomenon. It considered a wonder food. It is tasteless in a glass of fruit juice. It’s much better than its name suggests. This is Wheatgrass. Don’t be mistaken, this is far different from wheat – the most important point is that Wheatgrass does not contain gluten.
Sunfood Sun Is Shining Green Superfood Supplement offers an abundance of healing nutrients. Made from wild crafted, sustainably grown and certified organic ingredients, Sun Is Shining has been formulated to build strong bones, resilient muscles and a responsive immune system. Containing over 40 probiotic species, Sun Is Shining is 100% raw, promotes a strong alkalizing effect within the body and offers a superior source of sun-infused superfoods.
Price: $59.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Have you ever seen or come across the latest craze for Omega 3 Fats? They are also known as Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. If you haven’t seen it yet, you will very soon. Many scientists are linking them with everything your body needs, everything from weight loss to skin shine. One challenge is that the body can’t store Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 is made from a substance called ALA (alpha-lipoic acid). ALA can be stored by the body. Linseed is packed full of ALA, or basically the building blocks of essential good fats. These fats are good fats, as opposed to the excess weight which comes from bad fats. Scientists are now finding that good fats will push out bad fats from the body. Linseed is not green; however it’s very powerful, so we’ve included it here.
Remember you get most of your nutrients from fruits and vegetables.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Holistic Yoga Health Matcha Green Tea Powder

A delicious blend of all natural Matcha green tea powder, melon concentrate and Xylitol (You can't believe it's not sugar). Great for Frappes, Lattes and Smoothies. Xylitol is a natural low-glycemic sweetener, manufactured from birch trees, corn, or other natural xylan-rich sources. It is metabolized independently of insulin and is safe for diabetes or anyone seeking a healthier life-style. Xylitol is not only a safe, natural sweetener without the bad side-effects of sugar and artificial substitutes, it's also good for your teeth, stabilizes insulin and hormone levels, and promotes good health. Our sugar free Frappe mix is blended with pure pharmaceutical grade Xylitol. Pure Xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar. On food labels, xylitol is classified broadly as a carbohydrate and more narrowly as a polyol. Because xylitol is only slowly absorbed and partially utilized, a reduced calorie claim is allowed: 2.4 calories per gram or 40% less than other carbohydrates. Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in many fruits and vegetables. Dental and medical professionals use xylitol worldwide since it's been clinically proven to fight cavities and reduce plaque. Xylitol tastes like sugar with 1/3 fewer calories. It is recommended for people with diabetes and hypoglycemia because it has a low glycemic index of 7. Xylitol also inhibits the metabolic process of cavity causing bacteria. Whether you're looking for a low calorie sweetener¸ an alternative to sugar for those with diabetes or hypoglycemia¸ or better dental health¸ Xylitol is a great tasting solution.
Price: $39.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
In today’s polluted society is very taxing on the body. While the body benefits exceptionally from fruit and vegetables, to cope with all the chemicals around us the body needs specific supplements.
Most supplements turn into very expensive urine. This is a very important point. Carbon dioxide, exhaust fumes, putrid invisible gases and boron (a chemical that leaks into buildings from bricks) poison our bodies on a daily basis. We need extra support to counter this.
Want to know how to counteract all the wastes the body has to take in? Chlorophyll is the substance that causes the green coloration in plants and vegetables. It is similar to hemoglobin in the blood except for one molecule. Green vegetables, especially leafy greens, shoot the highest energetic nutrients into the body.
There is one supplement that has high concentrated source of chlorophyll. This supplement also contains Vitamins A, C, E, K and B including B12 and B17 (these two are particularly significant because it’s been suggested that it’s not easy to get vitamin B12 on a vegetarian diet. B17 is significant because of the latest research that suggests possible benefits it provides on specific types of cancers). It also contains every single known mineral, in organic form. That’s every single known mineral needed by the body. Some of these are extremely hard to get. It also has every known trace mineral. A true phenomenon. It considered a wonder food. It is tasteless in a glass of fruit juice. It’s much better than its name suggests. This is Wheatgrass. Don’t be mistaken, this is far different from wheat – the most important point is that Wheatgrass does not contain gluten.
Sunfood Sun Is Shining Green Superfood Supplement offers an abundance of healing nutrients. Made from wild crafted, sustainably grown and certified organic ingredients, Sun Is Shining has been formulated to build strong bones, resilient muscles and a responsive immune system. Containing over 40 probiotic species, Sun Is Shining is 100% raw, promotes a strong alkalizing effect within the body and offers a superior source of sun-infused superfoods.
Price: $59.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Have you ever seen or come across the latest craze for Omega 3 Fats? They are also known as Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. If you haven’t seen it yet, you will very soon. Many scientists are linking them with everything your body needs, everything from weight loss to skin shine. One challenge is that the body can’t store Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 is made from a substance called ALA (alpha-lipoic acid). ALA can be stored by the body. Linseed is packed full of ALA, or basically the building blocks of essential good fats. These fats are good fats, as opposed to the excess weight which comes from bad fats. Scientists are now finding that good fats will push out bad fats from the body. Linseed is not green; however it’s very powerful, so we’ve included it here.
Remember you get most of your nutrients from fruits and vegetables.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Green Smoothies Holistic Yoga Health

By now you probably think you've heard all of the health reasons there are for eating your vegetables. But recently, researchers from Harvard University have announced that lutein -- a potent antioxidant found in such dark green, leafy vegetables as spinach and kale -- may protect the skin from sun damage.

Over 180 Smoothies Recipes. Green Smoothies, Diet Smoothies, Fruit Smoothies, Breakfast Smoothies, Cocktail Smoothies And More. Perfect For Health Buffs, Weight Watchers And Parents Who Would Like Kids To Eat Healthy. Check It Out Today!
Check it out!

"Lutein has been widely recognized for its eye health benefits for several years. But, our data is the first of its kind to suggest that lutein may have the potential to act as a preventative agent against UVB-induced skin cancer," said Salvador Gonzalez, M.D., Ph.D., leader of the Harvard research team. "In addition, these data suggest that lutein protects the skin against damage caused by exposure to UVB light, further validating our position that lutein is a critical component to overall skin health."

Valya s DVD The 7 Best Greens Smoothies from Raw Family brings Valya herself into your living room to show you how to prepare 7 of our all-time favorite green smoothies. In addition to demonstrating how easy it is to blend up exotic concoctions, Valya shares many timesaving tips and answers the most frequently asked questions about making delicious green smoothies. This DVD is a must see for anyone interested in becoming a green smoothie pro!
Price: $14.95
Click here to buy from Amazon

Lutein (LOO-teen) is a yellow pigment (the yellow is covered up by chlorophyll in green leaves) found predominantly in vegetables. It is also present in the eyes and skin of the human body. In women, lutein is found in the breasts and cervix. As an antioxidant, lutein protects the eyes from the damaging effects of aging. Lutein also acts as a light filter, protecting against the sun's harmful rays.
UVA and UVB rays are two types of harmful rays found in sunlight. UVA rays contribute to wrinkling the skin, as well as to the development of skin cancer. UVB rays are the ones that are the primary cause of sunburn and skin cancer.
Good sunscreens block both UVA and UVB rays and are critical to skin health. But, you can do even more to protect your skin and eyes when you're outside.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Green Leafy Vegetables For Health

The Green Book of Health...start using natural healing today. Covering over 60 ailments and bring healing through the use of Acupressure Acupuncture Reflexology Iridology Home Remedies Homeopathic Medicine Aromatherapy Essential Oils Magnet/Crystal
Check it out!

Safety tips to keep top of mind:
Wear UV-blocking sunglasses. Over time, exposure to ultraviolet light can cause cataracts and increase your risk of macular degeneration, a disease that causes irreversible blindness.
If you're a parent, protect your children's skin. Research indicates that one or more severe, blistering sunburns in childhood or adolescence can double the risk of skin cancer later in life.
Check the expiration date on your sunscreen. Sunscreen without an expiration date has a shelf life of no more than three years.
Blended with Pure Matcha Green Tea Powder & Cane Sugar Sealed in USDA Foil Pouch for Freshness - Good for One Year Just like Starbucks - Save Money at our Bargain Price! One Pound Makes 48 Frappuccinos = About $.50 per Frappe' INSTRUCTIONS Mix One Tbls. of Matcha Frappe' Mix with 4 ozs. of Warm Milk (NOT BOILED) Blend 14 ozs. of ice to mixture in Blender Optional - Add your favorite syrup for additional flavoring or ice cream to make a delicious float. Taste Yunmmy - like green tea ice cream Can be used to make lattes & smoothies too.
Price: $24.95
Click here to buy from Amazon

Eat a healthy diet comprised of green leafy vegetables. Consumption of 6 milligrams of lutein per day (approximately one-third cup of cooked spinach) has been linked to a reduced risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Vitamins and dietary supplements formulated with purified lutein provide another option for adding this nutrient to a daily diet.
It's important to note that when lutein is consumed in foods or vitamins, it deposits in various tissues in the body -- the eyes, the skin, fat tissue and so on. Therefore, it may also be beneficial to apply lutein directly to the surface of your skin. Several skin care products containing lutein are now available and can be purchased online at or at salons that carry California Tan Heliotherapy sun care products.
For more information about how lutein can help promote healthy eyes and skin, talk to your doctor and visit the Lutein Information Bureau at

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wonderful Honey Rose Petal Foot Bath

I imagine you can tell me at length about how tired your feet and legs get after your busy day. When’s the last time you got to treat yourself to a day at the spa? Even if you had the time, it’s not often you can afford the cost of a simple, relaxing, foot soak.

Sounds nice doesn't it? A relaxing foot soak at a spa... ! Times are tough for most of us these days, so it's really good to save money when we can.  Anyway I've put together this simple recipe so you can have that soothing soak with ingredients you probably already have at home.

Step 1. Create this wonderful foaming honey foot bath at home.
Here’s what you will need:

1 tablespoon Honey

1 tablespoon Liquid Soap

1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

2 tablespoons Sweet Almond Oil

4 heaped tablespoons of baking soda

1/2 - 1 cup of Epsom salts

Rose petals (optional)

Few drops of your favourite essential oil

You may not have almond oil, but you can find it easily enough in a chemist, health food store or supermarket just grab a bottle next time you are out buying groceries.

Mix all these ingredients together in a nice bowl and you are ready for your foot bath.
Note: If you want to make a large quantity so you can have it on hand for your next "Foot Spa" Treatment use these quantities instead.

½ cup Honey

½ cup Liquid Soap (I used dish soap)

1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract

1 cup Sweet Almond Oil

Essential oil (Jasmine, Bergomot, etc,.)

Save this in a nice bottle for next time.

When you are ready for a foot soak

Add baking soda and epsom salts then.

Rose petals are always best fresh as well.

Step 2. Find yourself a foot bath

You may even have one, they are very popular these days, (everyone has tired aching feet, especially if your job requires you to walk or stand all day). You can get a fancy, space-age, foot bath for about $80 which does all sorts of things like vibrate and shake, make bubbles, heat and massage.They also come with foot scrubbing attachments, extra brushes and foot massaging aids. If you have one of those, you are set. If not you probably have a small basin you can use instead.

Step 3. Fill up your foot bath

Fill your foot spa or other, with lovely warm water and add 3 tablespoons of your prepared "Foot Soak" potion to it, stirring gently. If you have rose petals, add those now.

Please be really careful with the water temperature. Do this by double checking the temperature of the water with your hands. If you are doing this for a loved one make sure you are clear on what temperature they want.

Step 4. Sit back and Relax, listen to your favourite meditation music, turn off the lights and light your scented candles.

Soak feet for minimum of 10-20 minutes.

So many lovely benefits. The relaxation in itself benefits your nervous and lymphatic systems. Calms the mind, soothes the emotions and rests the heart. If you choose to listen to Yoga sound meditation music you will be enjoying a complete holistic experience, encompassing body, mind, heart and soul.

All of the ingredients being used in the "Foot soak" have very beneficial effects on the body, helping to relax, nourish and detoxify.

So take 15 minutes tonight to pamper yourself, you deserve it.