Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Essentials Pack Wii Fit Pink

Essentials Pack Wii Fit Pink
Price: $49.99

Enjoy the convenience of Exercising and having fun in the privacy of your own home. This essential pack will help to motivate you and make your Wii exercise work out more comfortable.  Its so pretty... I love pink..!

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life, Herbal Tea Supplement, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)

Green tea blueberry slim life is specifically formulated not only to support healthy weight loss, but also to help give you the energy you need to maintain an active lifestyle while dieting. To help suppress the appetite, we add a natural extract of the fruit Garcinia cambogia. We add green tea to supply antioxidants, and ginseng-eleuthero extract to help provide extra energy. With a light yet sweet blueberry flavor and hints of organic hibiscus, green tea blueberry slim life is a fragrant and delicious addition to a weight loss program supported by exercise and a balanced diet.
Price: $29.94

Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life, Herbal Tea Supplement 16 Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)

Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, September 23, 2010

4-Easy Ways to Get Fit, Faster!

Let’s face it, getting and staying in shape can be a costly investment. And, if you’re not careful, its greatest cost is the one commodity you could use the most of: time. Yet, even many seasoned exercisers often have difficulty changing their bodies with regular workouts. And worse, many think the more hours spent training heavily, the better the result. Not true! Often this break-neck pace leads only to fatigue, burnout, and injury.
What most people also may not realize, there are several, easy ways to redistribute your time and create ‘smarter’ workouts. These common sense, turbo-chargers cost little or no money, will help change your body in a positive way, and all without giving up a lot of time.
Here, I’ve given you four simple strategies that can help you turbo charge your workout (and your body), too:
Warm Up and Cool Down Sufficiently. In short: take 10. Strive to take 10 minutes before heavy exercise to get blood flowing with light aerobic activity (walking, or a series of slow arm and leg circles) to get the large muscle groups moving and prevent injury. At the end of your workout, try to opt for 10 minutes of light stretching, aiming at the major muscle groups: arms, back, chest, and legs. This will help re-absorb lactic acid (metabolic waste that builds up during exercise and can lead to soreness).
Drink More Water. Just eight-8oz. glasses of water per day will carry away waste and toxins from your body. It will also help keep you cool during exercise and replace the fluids lost during your workout (you will usually lose 1 liter per 1-hour workout).
Get Adequate Rest. The body requires a sufficient amount of sleep for rest and tissue repair (usually around 7-8 hours per night for the healthy person). Sleep also provides the body time to lower levels of bacteria in the body. It actually stimulates the immune system! If you can’t get your eight hours, try to take a quick 10-20 minute power nap sometime during the day.
Go Easy on the Starchy Carbs. Try to “balance” starchy carbs (cereals, breads, white potatoes, rice) with protein and veggie alternatives.
My own personal case study: Even though I’d been exercising for years, I couldn’t shake the extra 10 pounds I’d gained in college. I exercised for about an hour every day rotating my routine between cardio and resistance training. Did I need to exercise more? I wondered. Maybe, but I couldn’t fit another hour into the day. So, I took a good look at my diet. What I found was, every day I was loading up with starchy carbs! Lots of cereal and toast. Lots of potatoes and white rice.
If you could use a Jump-start in you workout or haven’t seen changes in awhile, these four ideas are well worth your consideration. Plus, just by changing one small thing, you could make quite a difference in your shape. It will add a new element of vigor to your workout! So, reap the big rewards of these small changes, they will pay dividends on your investment.

author:Laura Turner

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Frankincense 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- 10 ml

* Botanical Name: Boswellia Frereana
* Plant Part: Resin
* Extraction Method: Steam
* Origin: India
* Description: The Frankincense tree originates from the Middle East, and is small with abundant pinnacle leaves. The flowers are white or pale pink. Frankincense resin begins as a milky-white sticky liquid that flows from the trunk of the tree when it's cut, healing the wound.
* Color: Pale yellow green
* Common Uses: Frankincense oil is said to help rejuvenate an aging skin, is a skin tonic and is effective with bacterial and fungal infections. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil is reputed to be an effective treatment for joint pain and arthritis. Frankincense can also be used as an insect repellent and is also widely used in cosmetics and soap manufacturing.
* Consistency: Medium
* Note: Base
* Strength of Aroma: Strong
* Blends well with: Basil, Bergamot, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Coriander, Geranium & Ginger
* Aromatic Scent: A rich woody, earthy scent with a deeply mysterious nuance. It is a grounding aroma, and often used in meditation.
* History: Frankincense is widely known since biblical times. Frankincense is from the French word 'Franc' meaning 'luxuriant' or it could be 'real incense'. Also known as Olibanum, Frankincense was used by the ancient Egyptians in their religious ceremonies and was used as incense by the Greeks and the Romans.
* Cautions: Frankincense oil is non-toxic and non-irritant and could be used by most people. For external use only.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yoga Weight Loss Secrets

Natural, Sustained Weight Loss Based On Yoga, Meditation And Vegetarian Diet. EBook(R) With Complete Instructions.

Check it out!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why We Need Calcium

Calcium is one nutrient that is sometimes overlooked. However, it is one of the most important nutrients your body needs. Calcium plays an important part in body functions and some development. Knowing how much calcium you need daily and where to get it from can ensure that you will lead a healthier life and live longer.

What does Calcium do for us! Well, calcium does many things for your body. Everyone knows calcium is great for the bones. It also plays a role in keeping your muscles and nerves working properly. It also helps blood clot and keeps your heart functioning properly. Lacking calcium in your diet can greatly affect your health for years to come.

When your body does not get enough calcium it begins to take calcium from the bones. When this occurs, the bones become deficient and problems can start such as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease that mostly affects older people. Osteoporosis is a disease where the bones get thin and brittle. However calcium is important at any age. In children calcium is important to help with bone growth. Pregnant women calcium intake is also very important. Along with other nutrients the baby needs calcium to grow. So, more calcium intake is important during pregnancy.

Here are some basic guidelines for calcium. Intake 1,300mg a day for children age 1-10, 1,600mg a day for age 11-25. Pregnant and breast feeding mothers should get 1,500mg a day. Don’t worry about taking too much calcium. Intakes of up to 2,500mg are still a safe level. Most of the Excess calcium is easily removed form the body.

We suggest the follow as a good guideline for calcium foods. Try to get at least three to four servings a day of dairy products. Most greens are good sources of calcium. Make better choices when buying foods with added calcium can help you to make sure you are getting enough calcium.

Calcium is often overlooked as an important nutrient. It is up to us to make sure we are getting enough. Remember it is quite easy to add calcium foods into our diet. Soft bones are most often contributed, because of a lack of calcium intake.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yoga Positions – Benefits

I often wondered what the value of each type of yoga position is, so I did some research to find out. All yoga positions help to develop strength and flexibility. Yet the type of yoga position that you do also offers some very specific benefits.


They are included in many poses and they help to align your feet and body. This type of yoga position is especially useful in improving your posture. Standing poses strengthen your legs while simultaneously increasing flexibility in your legs and hips. They add to the mobility of your neck and shoulders and they increase the flexibility in your pelvis and lower back. One of the most basic standing poses is Mountain Pose.


These poses help increase flexibility in your hips and lower back, while also strengthening your back. They add suppleness to your spine and elasticity to your hips, knees, ankle and groin. They also encourage deeper breathing, which contributes to you feeling calm and peaceful.


This type of yoga position helps stretch your lower back and hamstrings. Forward bends also release tension in your back, neck, shoulders, and increase the flexibility in your spine. They often promote a sense of calmness. I find forward bends particularly challenging since I have a considerable amount of stiffness in my neck due to an old gymnastics injury. This is the type of yoga position where I often use a prop such as a strap or block.


They open your chest, rib cage, and hips. They strengthen your arms and shoulders, while simultaneously increasing flexibility in your shoulders. They help relieve tension from the front of your body and hips and they also increase spinal stability. You should always do back bends as a complement to forward bends in order to maintain balance in your body.


Although balance poses can be challenging, I find them to be some of the most fun poses to do. They help you develop muscle tone and coordination and also strength and agility. They help improve your posture because you really need to elongate your spine in order to keep yourself from falling over. This type of yoga position helps train your mind to focus your attention; if your attention if not focused, you will not be able to do the pose.


I love to do twists. Twists release tension in your spine and increase shoulder and hip mobility. They also help relieve backaches by stretching and opening up your back muscles. I often experience tightness in my upper back and twists help me loosen up this area. It is important to always do twists on both sides of your body in order to ensure alignment and balance.


Supine poses are done on your back. They help stretch your abdominal muscles, they open your hips, and increase your spinal mobility. They release tension and strengthen your back, arms and legs.

Prone poses are done facing the floor. They strengthen your arms and back and open up your hips and groin. They relieve tension and increase flexibility in your spine. One of my favorite prone poses is Extended Seal because I find it very relaxing and it helps stretch out my shoulders and upper back.


This type of yoga position develops strength and stamina, particularly in your upper body. It also increases circulation because since your legs are higher than your heart, it reverses the normal flow of blood. Inversions help pull fluid out of your feet and legs, so they are great to do after you have been standing up for a long time. Advanced inversion poses require a great deal of strength and alignment and should only be learned under the guidance of a certified teacher. People with glaucoma, pregnant women and those who are menstruating should avoid inversion poses.


Relaxation poses are usually done at the end of a yoga practice. They calm your mind and body and encourage a deep feeling of relaxation. This type of yoga position is often one of the most challenging poses to do, particularly for Westerners who often have a difficult time letting go. One of the most well-known relaxation poses is Corpse Pose.

There are hundreds of poses in yoga and they all provide wonderful benefits for your mind and body. By understanding each type of yoga position, you can choose a well rounded practice with asanas from each type or do those that meet your body’s needs at any given time.

Friday, September 10, 2010

AM/PM Yoga for Beginners [VHS]

This yoga set is perfect for busy people who need to work in a way to relax. On the a.m. tape, Rodney Yee takes you through a 15-minute morning yoga set, while Patricia Walden leads a 20-minute evening routine on the p.m. tape. The a.m. tape was filmed on a beach on Maui at sunrise, providing a soothing background for this gentle workout. In the morning, Rodney tells us, "the body is rested but stiff from inactivity." The stretches he demonstrates are designed to increase circulation, improve mobility, and bring clarity to your mind. The movements are easy to follow (they include a conscious relaxation, the a.m. workout, and a guided meditation), and the set is short enough that it can be squeezed into the most hectic of morning schedules. The p.m. video was filmed at sunset in Death Valley. Patricia's yoga set is designed to quiet the mind after the stress of the day and to help you make the transition from active to quiet. She uses a combination of a centering series, standing poses, forward bends, and restorative poses to help you ease into night. You will need some firm blankets to sit on and a yoga strap (although a belt or scarf will serve the same purpose) to perform these movements. Perfect for the beginner and for the overworked. --Jenny Brown
Price: $19.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Indigo Ocean Dreams: 4 Children Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness

Indigo Ocean Dreams is a 60 minute audio/CD designed to entertain your child in an ocean setting while introducing them to four research-based, stress management techniques. Each story integrates either progressive muscular relaxation, visualizations, breathing, and affirmations (positive statements). Children follow their sea friends along as they use progressive muscular relaxation and breathing to release and manage anger with Angry Octopus. Children build self-esteem with positive believe in yourself statements with Affirmation Weaver. Diaphragmatic breathing is fun with sea otters in Sea Otter Cove. Children enjoy a bubble ride through the ocean as they visualize colors with Bubble Riding. This CD offers longer stories than the first in this series, Indigo Dreams. Ideal for older children ages 6-12, or as step two for those already familiar with Indigo Dreams. Engaging characters present these adult level techniques in an easy to follow format that makes it fun for any child to learn. The male narration is accompanied by calming sounds of dolphins, sea otters, and gentle waves. An additional music sound track is included to further enhance your child's relaxation experience. These proven techniques encourage wellness and provide tools for children who suffer from anxiety, stress, trauma, hyperactivity, anger, pain, sleep issues, and lack of confidence.
Price: $15.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nextware Art Pop Clip Case for iPhone 4, Yoga - ART-YOGA

Art Pop Clip on case offers beautiful back shell Graphic with sleek low profile design to bridge the gap between you and your iPhone 4. Lightweight hard shell case offers minimalistic design to bring out the beauty of iPhone 4 . Offers complete back and side protection. Protective Screen Guard included. This glossy case with Yoga inspired Shanti - "Peace" Yoga Art graphic stands out from the crowd. Get your's today!

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yogi Bedtime, Herbal Tea Supplement, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)

Organic Bedtime tea is a safe, gentle and delicious way to help you get a restful night's sleep.Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and other calming herbs included in this organic formula have been used for centuries to promote sleep without the risk of a morning "hangover" that can sometimes result from the use of drug products. This healing formula also includes Organic Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), which has been used for years by Western herbalists to soothe and relax and for its effectiveness in combating nervousness and restlessness. Mild relaxants such as Organic St. John's Wort and Passion Flower are also included in this formula. St. John's Wort is well known for its positive effects on mood, while Passion Flower, a Native American herb containing the naturally occurring chemical chrysina, a flavonoid, has been shown to help reduce nervousness and anxiety. This tea is also enhanced with Organic Skullcap, which has scutellarian, a plant compound that has been shown to help reduce anxiety. To help promote better and deeper sleep, health practitioners recommend avoiding caffeine products. Drink organic Bedtime tea before bed for a good night's sleep.
Price: $29.94

Click here to buy from Amazon

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Yoga for Scoliosis [VHS]

Studio: Bayview/widowmaker. Run time: 50 minutes
Price: $29.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

5.0 out of 5 stars Very Good, October 31, 2009
By : Laguna Vista, TX
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Yoga for Scoliosis (Spiral-bound)
Having been recently diagnosed with moderate scoliosis (age 46) and exploring the few options, I ordered this book. Based on the info and testimonies I could find, yoga seems to be a reasonable step - instead of the standard issue back exercises and then wait and see if problem progresses to brace then surgery approach. The book is very well written - especially the opening pages which has a clear summary of scoliosis - the 4 most common types of curvatures - and the explanation of structural (usually unequal growth) and functional scoliosis (caused by environment) - and how to determine the difference (which type you have). I have been able to do some of the exercises for the last few weeks which seem to be helping - back "seems" straighter, stronger, and definitely more flexible (even visually a bit - waistline is a little less uneven..). Continueous pain in lower back and hips has very much decreased (gone much of the time). However, I do not understand the write up on how to do many of the exercises (and I am concerned about doing them incorrectly) so I have just ordered the DVD. I would recommend purchasing this book - it is written by someone with severe scoliosis (who is extremely active and looks great even though) and contains a great deal of beneficial information.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kids Yoga eBooks

These beautifully written stories teach your child about the philosophy and practices of yoga, and include 15 yoga poses, instructions, an mp3 recordings and a colouring book. These books are guaranteed to put a smile on your child's face.

Check it out!


My Children Now Think That Reading is Fun!
"For years I’ve tried to encourage my children to read, and it was only after they started colouring in the Magic Yoga Mat eBooks and practicing the poses that they began to think that reading was fun.

Now when my eldest comes home from school she likes to read the stories to her younger brother and sister and then they all practice together. Like Mary Poppins, Magic Yoga Mat has added a spoonful of sugar to reading and exercise, making them fun! I recommend this to everyone with children.

Janine Lipkin, Mother of 3, Rowville, Australia

Check it out!